February 1, 2015

It's Coming Home! 28-24

Yes, I know this doesn't have anything to do with clean eating or fitness or even becoming a coach.  But anyone who knows me knows how I love them Patriots!

After listening for two weeks about balls not being inflated properly, it finally came down to the game.  I don't care who you are or what team you were routing for Super Bowl XLIX was intense!

It was a very close game right up to the last play.  Just when we thought that it was over, that the Seahawks had won, Butler intercepts the ball on the 1 yard line and the Patriots win! 28-24

Tom Brady is MVP again!  Personally I think that Julian Edelman should have gotten it, but that is just my opinion.

The trophy is on it's way back to New England.  We have something to celebrate and for all of the people who keep putting the Pats down, look at the record.  

Oh, and someone please explain to me what is going on about the commentators.  They really didn't make it much of a secret that the wanted us to lose. Wow, Bob Costis, when the game is over and the Pats have won, how about saying something about the great interception or how great the Pats played.  Instead he makes a comment about how it is too bad that a great touchdown with 2 seconds left on the clock in the first half will not be talked about.  Yes, it was a great drive.  But honestly, the Pats had just come away with a victory!  Maybe you should have apologized for having your foot in your mouth before the game even began.

Congratulations New England Patriots!

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