February 9, 2015

Setting Things Straight

Hey everyone.  I need to set the record straight. I want to be completely honest with all of you. So, here goes.

I have been struggling with my health and fitness journey since December.  I went through some depression, then I was sick, went on a vacation with my momma, came home and have been very sick.  I am still battling it, but for the most part things are better, I just have a dry hacking cough that I can’t get rid of.  These are not excuses, they are facts.

Anyhow, with the struggles that I have been going through I can honestly say that working out or even eating right were not on the top of my list.  I kept thinking, I don’t feel like it today I will do it tomorrow.  Tomorrow never came.  In the last eight days I admit that I have only worked out 3 times!  I started eating foods with sugar again.  I started drinking coffee with creamer again.  Everything that I was working so hard for I pretty much gave up and started doing all of my old habits all over again.

Needless to say, I have gained weight, actually I have gained most of the weight that I lost back.  I have become obsessed with the scale again, to the point of not only weighing myself once a day but up to 6-7 times a day.  Of not being able to walk by the scale without stepping on it.  Obviously things are getting way out of hand.

Today, I had a talk with my coach.  I realized that I needed to have a talk with her if I ever wanted to regain control.  I came to some important conclusions with her help.  I needed a fresh start.  I needed to go back to the start so I could remember what I love about this, about being a coach.  So, that is just what I have done.  I took all of my measurements, took before photos and entered the Beach Body Challenge for the 21 Day Fix Extreme. 

I did the first work out Plyo Fix Extreme.  I can honestly admit that about half way through it, I just wanted to throw up and lay down.  But, I finished it.  I used the modifier, did the jumps and squats and finished as strong as I could today.  I am sharing this to show you that I have setbacks too.  That I don’t do this perfectly.  That life sometimes gets in the way and I allow it to happen.  When it does, I get depressed and over eat.  I fall back into old habits too.

BUT…I am not giving up!  I am kicking the old habits to the curb.  I have restarted and I will be successful.

Here are my beginning stats:
Weight 177.4
Waist     39.25
Hips       41.75
Chest    40.5
R Arm    12.5
L Arm    12.5
R Thigh 23.5

L Thigh  23.5

I believed I could so I did! <3

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