February 1, 2015

Overcoming My Fears

On Sunday, Nov 2, we got 12+ inches of heavy wet snow and lost our power around 3 pm.  For days we waited in the dark, sometimes patiently, sometimes not so patiently. 

On Nov 4th, my husband and son were not home so I had to brave the cellar to put wood in the wood stove.  This is no easy feat for this girl.  I had to deal with 4 of my BIGGEST fears all at once - the dark, the cellar. being alone and spiders.  Not something I was looking forward to doing.

So, that morning, I texted my coach and told her I needed prayer. I explained that around 4 pm I would be trying to be anything but a coward, so that I could keep my house heated.

It wasn't easy, but I wanna tell you that I DID IT!  I prayed the whole way!  lol.  If anyone had come into my house they would have been shocked by the crazy lady in the cellar talking to God as if He was standing right beside her.

You know, I think that overcoming fears is a very hard thing to do.  But I did learn a lesson that day.  No request is too big or too small for God to help with.  I put it on the line, not that He doesn't already know, and He did help me.  I know He did.  

For the first time, I was able to go downstairs and not be terrified.  I was still scared, I won't lie and tell you I wasn't, but it was a whole lot easier this time.

Do you have a fear that you need help to conquer, ok, maybe not conquer, but help overcoming step by step?  If you do, give it to Him,  I won't promise that it will go away automatically, but it does become easier to handle the more you give it to Him.

Oh and just to let you know, I finally did get my power back after 53 hours!

Let your faith be bigger than your fears.

I believed I could so I did! <3

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