February 28, 2015

Beach Body ~ No Longer a Failure

I am going to make this post short and sweet.  I wanted to share how far I have come since I started Beach Body in June.  I have had some amazing results and I am so proud of my self. Pat, pat!

They say that a pictures says a thousand words and I think mine certainly does too.  I use to think it was all about how much weight you lose but I have realized that there is more to lose than that, for example, inches.

There is one thing that I have lost that I can't measure though and it is just as important or even more so.  I have lost my negative attitude.  I am so happy and it shows.  I can usually be seen with a smile on my face and a bounce in my step.  I love sharing my results and success with others because I want to be able to help them too.

I want to be able to show other women that there is hope.  They can be successful.  
The last thing that I lost was my failure.  I know that sounds weird when I am talking about weight loss but it is so true.

My entire life I have felt like a failure.  I was in complete self destruct mode.  I believed that I did not deserve happiness because of my past.  I believed I deserved to be miserable, and I was.

Now, things are different, I have finally found my worth.  We all have it, it just takes some of us longer to find it!

Do you want help finding your worth?  Making a change?  Learning how to love yourself?  Do you want to know more about my story, my "why" that keeps me going, keeps me motivated?

Then message me or comment below.  I am more than happy to share and I would love to talk with you.

Look me up, you may just be totally surprised at what we can do together.


~ Darlene
I believed I could, so I did!

February 22, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Week 2 Results

I am finishing up my second week of the 21 Day Fix Extreme today.  So, of course that meant I wanted to check my measurements.  But before I share them with you, I needed to make a confession.

This was the start of week 1
Friday I did not do my work out as I was getting ready for a huge event for my son on Saturday.

Saturday I woke up at 4 am took my son to Sanford for his All States Wrestling Championship.  He had already won first place in Class C States but ALL  States is the best of the best.  The top three in each weight class go to Andover Mass. for New Englands. He came in second place so in two weeks we are heading to Mass!

Anyhow, my eating was ok for most of the day, I had done my meal prep and had my handy cooler from 31.  I ate my salads and fruit etc, but by the end of the day I had a bagel with cream cheese, two muffins and two extra large pumpkin coffees from Dunkin.

We did not get home until 9:30, so of course that meant no working out last night either. :(

This morning I was very nervous about taking my measurements.  I was afraid with not working out for two days and eating  not quite clean food yesterday that I had blown it.

Ready for my results?
Starting weight - 177.4,     today - 171
Waist - 39.25                     today 36
Hips - 41.75,                      today - 40
Chest 40.5,                        today - 38.5
Right Arm 12.5,                today - 12
Left Arm 12.25,                today - 11.5
Right Thigh 23.5,              today - 21.5
Left Thigh 21,                   today - 21

So drum roll....in two weeks of doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme I have lost
6.4 lbs and 12.75 inches!

I am so proud of myself.  

There have been days when I thought I could have eaten better or pushed myself harder in my work out, but even with that, I look at my results and I am blown away by my progress.

I still have a week left before I take my final measurements and photos to submit to Beach Body for the challenge.  I want to lose a total of 10 lbs and 18 inches.  That is my goal for the three weeks.  So now it is time to get moving and fight for this last week.

I want to challenge you to stay motivated and reach for your goals.  Are you ready to start your health and fitness journey?

The journey is long, the journey is hard but the journey is ALWAYS worth it!

February 10, 2015

The Secret to Success

My health hasn't always been at the top of my priorities. My family always came first. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have spent many hours at football games, soccer games, endless wrestling meets and don't forget track! For all three kids! I don't even want to think about how many hours at practices and driving back and forth to all of this would total.

As I was waiting I the car for a practice to end, or driving home late at night from a game, I put on the pounds. I ate fast food all of the time. I think we made eating a full time sport as well. As the weight crept on, my asthma got worse.

I remember one wrestling meet at the Portland Civic Center, where my son was going for an important match. I waited impatiently for them to call his name, and when they did, lo and behold it was on the other end of the civic center. I jumped out of my chair and raced all 220+ lbs of me to the mat. Only to get there just as they raised his hand. He had won but I felt defeated. I couldn't even get from one end of the building to the other without getting out my inhaler.

I decided enough was enough. I talked to my mom and we decided to challenge each other to lose 1 lb a week. So, I counted calories and spent hours on my stationary bike. I would sit on my bike while I would watch the biggest loser, one hour. I would watch other tv shows and bike. After 52 weeks and many hours on the bike, I lost the 52 lbs and went on a fabulous cruise with my mom.

But...as time went by that weight slowly crept back on. Why? I hadn't made any real changes in my life. I was still eating the same food that had made me heavy to begin with. I didn't have time to bike for 2 hours a day to keep the lbs off. I lost motivation. I was tired, I was depressed and I didn't care anymore. I had failed to keep the weight off.

Here I am back at where I started plus I had gained additional weight. Ugh! What do I do now? I had to find a different challenge, more motivation and in came my coach Amanda. She told me about her challenge group and that she thought I would do great with it. I felt completely defeated but I figured why not? So, I ordered the 21 Day Fix and joined her group. I lost weight, I lost inches and I have been keeping it off.

What is the secret? Challenge/Accountability groups. It doesn't matter what you call it. They are a great way to stay motivated, inspired and get the support that I desperately need. I learned about clean eating, I did mini fitness challenges, and I started doing some personal development. Crazy at this sounds it worked!

Want to know more? Message me or comment below :)

I believed I could so I did!

Chocolate Glazed Carrot Cake Shakeology

I love to try new food but usually it isn't healthy food.  I never thought I would try an avocado or tofu.  But since I have become a coach, I have tried a lot of things I didn't think I would.

Today,  I decided to be brave and try something new with my Shakeology.  I absolutely love carrot cake, but obviously it isn't the healthiest food that I can eat.   I had found a recipe for a Chocolate Glazed Carrot Cake Shakeology and thought, drink my carrots?   Ummm. NO!

But I did today, and I was very surprised at how good this was.  So, be brave, get out your blender and make some carrot cake!

Chocolate Glazed Carrot Cake Shakeology
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
4 oz. baby carrots (or baby steamed carrots)
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
Ice to taste
Mix all ingredients in a blender and enjoy!

I thought it was very tasty.  I loved the cinnamon and vanilla.  Next time I think I will try it with Vanilla Shakeology just to see how that tastes.

I would love to hear what you think!  Comment below and give a review.

I believed I could so I did!

February 9, 2015

Setting Things Straight

Hey everyone.  I need to set the record straight. I want to be completely honest with all of you. So, here goes.

I have been struggling with my health and fitness journey since December.  I went through some depression, then I was sick, went on a vacation with my momma, came home and have been very sick.  I am still battling it, but for the most part things are better, I just have a dry hacking cough that I can’t get rid of.  These are not excuses, they are facts.

Anyhow, with the struggles that I have been going through I can honestly say that working out or even eating right were not on the top of my list.  I kept thinking, I don’t feel like it today I will do it tomorrow.  Tomorrow never came.  In the last eight days I admit that I have only worked out 3 times!  I started eating foods with sugar again.  I started drinking coffee with creamer again.  Everything that I was working so hard for I pretty much gave up and started doing all of my old habits all over again.

Needless to say, I have gained weight, actually I have gained most of the weight that I lost back.  I have become obsessed with the scale again, to the point of not only weighing myself once a day but up to 6-7 times a day.  Of not being able to walk by the scale without stepping on it.  Obviously things are getting way out of hand.

Today, I had a talk with my coach.  I realized that I needed to have a talk with her if I ever wanted to regain control.  I came to some important conclusions with her help.  I needed a fresh start.  I needed to go back to the start so I could remember what I love about this, about being a coach.  So, that is just what I have done.  I took all of my measurements, took before photos and entered the Beach Body Challenge for the 21 Day Fix Extreme. 

I did the first work out Plyo Fix Extreme.  I can honestly admit that about half way through it, I just wanted to throw up and lay down.  But, I finished it.  I used the modifier, did the jumps and squats and finished as strong as I could today.  I am sharing this to show you that I have setbacks too.  That I don’t do this perfectly.  That life sometimes gets in the way and I allow it to happen.  When it does, I get depressed and over eat.  I fall back into old habits too.

BUT…I am not giving up!  I am kicking the old habits to the curb.  I have restarted and I will be successful.

Here are my beginning stats:
Weight 177.4
Waist     39.25
Hips       41.75
Chest    40.5
R Arm    12.5
L Arm    12.5
R Thigh 23.5

L Thigh  23.5

I believed I could so I did! <3

February 5, 2015

Fly Into Your New Life with DarLean Fitness!

I am so excited.  I finally created and ordered my business cards.  I know this is probably not something to get excited about but I am.   It makes it real!

I am so thankful to my friend Jocelyn for helping come up with the perfect motto and design.  What would I do with out friends?

Fly into your new life <3

Chocolate Shakeology Pudding

I have been trying to come up with different ideas of how I can eat or drink Shakeology.  So stay tuned for my upcoming posts.  I am planning on having fun with this. :)

I made a Chocolate Shakeology Pudding, I am a huge chocolate pudding fan!  Not this one, but that doesn't mean you won't.  I have found that I am not a huge fan of avocado.  Maybe I am using it wrong or not getting it ripe, I will do some research on this. If you have any tips or ideas about avocado then let me know.

I think I will make this again but try maybe using 1/2 of an avocado and see if that works. 

Chocolate Shakeology Pudding:

1 1/2 scoops Chocolate Shakeology
1 ripe medium avocado 
1 medium banana cut into chunks
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp fresh lemon juice

Place Shakeology, avocado, banana, almond milk and lemon juice in a blender, cover.  Blend until smooth.  If it it too thick add additional almond milk.  Pour into four dessert cups, refrigerate for at least one hour or until set.

If you decide to make this, let me know what you think. 

~ I believed I could, so I did. <3

Salted Caramel Shakeology

This week I really wanted to try a different recipe with Shakeology...I found Salted Caramel.  I love caramels so I figured, let's do it!

Salted Caramel Shakeology

1 cup almond milk
6-8 ice cubes
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 tsp caramel extract
Dash of sea salt

Blend well and enjoy!

I will definitely be having this one again.  What is your favorite?  Share below

Have a great day!

~ I believed I could so I did. <3

Chocolate Maple Buttercup Shakeology

Are you looking for a new Shakeology recipe to try.  How about ~ Chocolate Maple Buttercup?  

It is yummy!  I made mine with Chocolate Vegan but it tastes great with Chocolate too!
Add 1 scoop of Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup Almond Milk or skim milk
1 Tablespoon all natural almond butter
1 teaspoon pur maple syrup

Blend with 1/2 cup to 1 cup of ice for a smoother texture. 

This shake is delicious!  The pure maple syrup gives it a little bit of extra sweetness.  So, it was a great after workout treat .

I will be posting more Shakeology recipes so visit often.

February 4, 2015

21 Day Fix - March Madness Give Away

Let's have a little fun with my 21 Day Fix March Madness Give Away! This giveaway will start on Feb 1st and end at March 31st at 9pm. Three winners will be chosen randomly.

Prizes to be drawn are: Hip Hop Abs, Shakeology Shaker Cup and the Grand Prize is 21 Day Fix.

Now, I bet you are wondering how to enter into this drawing. Well her you go, your name will be entered:
>>>For every order made in February or March
>>>For every home direct order
>>>If you sign up as a coach
>>>For every referral order

The drawings will be held on March 31st! Good luck!
If you would like to discuss your work out options, comment below or message me today.

To qualify all orders must be made through the link below:

Delicious Rainbow Scramble

One of the things that I have the worst problem with is nutrition.  So I figured what better way to learn about what I should eat then to find healthy recipes, make them and then give them a review on my blog.

There is nothing that I hate more than trying a healthy recipe and finding that it is less than appetizing.  I want healthy, but it better taste good!

This is a great recipe, one of my favorites!

Rainbow Scramble

1 large egg
3 egg whites
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup frozen corn (defrost)
1/4 cup diced tomato
1 toasted whole grain bread slice (love ezekiel bread)
1. Heat oil in medium skillet over medium-high heat
2. Beat egg and egg whites in bowl, season with salt and pepper

3. Add corn, and tomato, cook, stirring frequently until tomato releases juices

4. Add eggs, stir gently for 1-2 minutes, reduce heat to low, continue cooking until eggs are cooked all the way through.

Eat with ezekiel toast.  Absolutely delicious meal!  

The original recipe calls for topping it with avocado  and basil leaves.
1/8 avocado, thinly sliced
3 basil leaves, chopped

But I am not a huge fan of avocado so I skipped that.

Pumpkin Coconut Custard

Out of all of the healthy recipes that I have made, this is probably one of my favorites!  It was creamy, it had a great taste. It is definitely one that I will be making again.

Total Time: 1 hr.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 50 min.
Yield: 8 servings
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
½ tsp. ground ginger
¼ tsp. ground nutmeg
½ tsp. fine sea salt
4 large eggs, beaten
½ cup pure maple syrup (or raw honey)
½ tsp. pure coconut extract
1 (15-oz.) can pumpkin puree
¾ cup canned coconut milk
¾ cup unsweetened almond milk

1. Preheat oven to 300° F.
2. Combine cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and salt in a small bowl; mix well. Set aside.
3. Combine eggs, maple syrup, and extract in a large bowl; whisk to blend.
4. Add spice mixture and pumpkin.

5. Gradually add coconut milk and almond milk; whisk to blend.
6. Pour mixture evenly into eight 6-oz. custard cups. Place cups in 13x9-inch baking pan; fill pan with 1-inch hot water.

7. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until knife inserted in custard halfway between center and edge of ramekin comes out almost clean. Cool completely on wire rack. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 153
Fat: 7 g
Saturated Fat: 5 g
Cholesterol: 93 mg
Sodium: 202 mg
Carbohydrate: 19 g
Fiber: 2 g
Sugar: 14 g
Protein: 5 g

P90X/P90X2 Portions (per serving)
1½ single snack

Body Beast Portions (per serving)
2 vegetables
1 starch

~I believed I could so I did! <3

February 3, 2015

21 Day Fix - 21 Days to a New You Challenge

In honor of the release of the 21 Day Fix Extreme and this months Fix challenge pack specials I am starting the 21 Days to a New You Challenge Group on February 16th!

Everyone knows how excited I was for this months new program and I want to share my excitement with you. Join me for 21 Days of Motivation and Encouragement. 21 Days of recipes.
You can do anything for a minute right? That is the great thing about the fix. The workouts are only 30 minutes. 60 seconds of working out and 20 seconds of rest. Another great thing is that there is a modifier for each workout, and you better believe when I start the Extreme I will be following her.
I started my Beach Body journey with the 21 Day Fix last June.  I was so excited with my results that I wanted to share them with everyone, so I became a coach!  This program is one of my all time favorites and I am so excited to get the Extreme version of this program.

Autumn says give me 3 weeks and I will give you the body you have always wanted.  I think with her program, meal plan and containers, you can't lose.  My group is just an added bonus to go even further.  Let's do this!
Are you worried that you won't lose if you modify? Let me just say that I use the modifier for the fix now and I am still losing. Week 1 and I lost 3 lbs and 7.5 inches. Modification is not a bad thing.  I know a coach who is pregnant and doing the Fix with great results. Don't get me wrong, she spoke to her doctor first to get the go ahead.  I can say that I am so proud of her for sticking to her workouts during her pregnancy.  She is a huge inspiration to me and any time that I don't want to work out I think of her.

Autumn says it doesn't get easier you get stronger and I know this is true.
Are you in? Are you ready for the FIX?


  • --
  • Have you ever completed a Beach Body Program?

February 1, 2015

Hate Is a Strong Emotion

This photo was taken in Key West from my cruise in 2009. It is not a photo that I usually share with anyone. I am the person who usually hides behind the camera.

Sometimes you have to look back to see how far you have come.

I had a fellow coach ask me tonight if I could imagine what things would be like for us 6 months from now? We have inspired and pushed each other forward. Dianne and I have been through a lot together.

I honestly don't know how much I weighed in this photo because I had stopped weighing myself when I reached 220. And I can tell you that I was at least 40 lbs heavier in this photo. I could barely breathe and I could barely walk.

I had a lot of excuses of why I couldn't lose the weight:

I am too heavy, I can't do any of these moves – WRONG! Modify, modify, modify!

I don't have the time because I have 3 kids – WRONG! I have an amazing woman in one of my groups who has 6 kids and she is crushing it!

I am too old – WRONG – I did P90 and one of the gentleman on the program is in his 60s.

I don't have the money – WRONG – I could afford to take my kids out to eat and to the movies all the time. It isn't a matter of not being able to afford it, it was a matter of priorities.

I can't because I fail at everything I do. - WRONG – You only fail when you decide to quit before you try.

Working out didn't just change how I look on the outside, it also changed how I feel and think about myself and others. I went from a destructive person who hated everything, to someone who was very happy and looking at the world in a more positive light. I love that I am working out and reaching my goals at the same time that I am meeting some incredible women and helping them.

Do you sit at home looking at your closet and decide you can't go anywhere because you have nothing to wear? I have been there. Do you stay home hiding in your room so no one can see you devour a ½ gallon of ice cream? I have been there. Do you fight with your loved ones because you are so miserable and hate yourself so much that you don't know how to deal with happy people around you? I have been there. Do you hate yourself so much that you have tried to take your own life? I have been there too.

You can be happy. You can change your life. You are worth it. There is someone who cares.

Want help? Comment or message below. I would love to talk with you.

~ Darlene

“I believed I could, so I did!”

It's Coming Home! 28-24

Yes, I know this doesn't have anything to do with clean eating or fitness or even becoming a coach.  But anyone who knows me knows how I love them Patriots!

After listening for two weeks about balls not being inflated properly, it finally came down to the game.  I don't care who you are or what team you were routing for Super Bowl XLIX was intense!

It was a very close game right up to the last play.  Just when we thought that it was over, that the Seahawks had won, Butler intercepts the ball on the 1 yard line and the Patriots win! 28-24

Tom Brady is MVP again!  Personally I think that Julian Edelman should have gotten it, but that is just my opinion.

The trophy is on it's way back to New England.  We have something to celebrate and for all of the people who keep putting the Pats down, look at the record.  

Oh, and someone please explain to me what is going on about the commentators.  They really didn't make it much of a secret that the wanted us to lose. Wow, Bob Costis, when the game is over and the Pats have won, how about saying something about the great interception or how great the Pats played.  Instead he makes a comment about how it is too bad that a great touchdown with 2 seconds left on the clock in the first half will not be talked about.  Yes, it was a great drive.  But honestly, the Pats had just come away with a victory!  Maybe you should have apologized for having your foot in your mouth before the game even began.

Congratulations New England Patriots!